Driving Urban Change
Clients & partners
Rotterdam Municipality
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
National Cycling Congress
What makes Rotterdam a unique place to cycle in?
In June 2018 Rotterdam hosted the annual National Cycling Congress. We were asked to arrange a bicycle tour to delegations from all over the country. We showed the participants all aspects of cycling in Rotterdam: infrastructure, social & economic.
In the past years cycling in Rotterdam is booming. No other major European city had experienced a cycling rise like Rotterdam (+63% between 2004 and 2016). The promotion of cycling in the city consists of significant investment in infrastructure, cycling promotion, and social programs that enable everybody to cycle.
In the presentation and tour to cyacling professional from all around the bicycle nation, we shared Rotterdam’s recent success. We visited the places that make Rotterdam such a great place to cycle in.
The tour was arranged in cooperation with Rotterdam Municipality, BMX bicycle School, Delta Cycling Rotterdam, Acquire Publishing, and Cycloon.
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